Monday, September 28, 2015

Announcing Fall/Winter 2015 Collection - Part 1

I'm super excited to announce that Friday, October 2, 2015 I will be starting the pre-sale for my second bi-annual All-Inclusive Tablescape Collection for Fall/Winter 2015. Originally, long before summer came I had the vision of a beautiful deep red plaid and gold color palette with rich ruby apples as the perfect accessory. As it developed I played with different names for the collection. I thought about calling it "Highland Gold" at one point to honor plaid and it's Scottish origin but ultimately my comical, playful side won out when I couldn't imagine naming it anything other than "The Lumberjack and The Queen."

What image does that create in your mind? I know in my mind I see the marriage of a rustic, rugged Pa Ingalls type man to a graceful, elegant queen like Grace Kelly. And as I think about them even more as I write this, I honestly couldn't think of a more awesome pairing. It's the same with this collection, a perfect marriage of cozy, rustic plaid mixed with the high elegance of gold.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's Part 2 which includes a detailed description of "The Lumberjack and The Queen".

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